Installation of WarpOS for people who up to now used ppc.library or 68k-only

1. Disabling ppc.library protections

ppc.library installs, when any program uses it (or on the A1200 even at startup) a patch to the function AmigaOS uses to load a file. As soon as this patch is active no WarpOS programs (including Heretic II) work anymore. But luckily this can be fixed quite easily. Actually there are two possible methods.

One of this methods has the disadvantages that it adds a reset on your first bootup on A1200 systems, but the advantage that you can run WarpOS and ppc.library programs parallel. The second method has the advantage that no extra reset is needed, but the disadvantage, that WarpOS and ppc.library programs do not run parallel. On A4000 systems you can actually get the advantages of both methods, as the ppc.library Emulation, which is used to run WarpOS and ppc.library programs parallel, also works with the TERMINATOR method on A4000 systems. The BPPCFix method is specific for A1200 systems.

For both methods you need to install WarpUP first:

This archive is also included on the Heretic II CD, BTW. You should be careful to at least use version 4.0, some programs need it.

After you did run the installer-script your Amiga has now the TERMINATOR method for running WarpOS installed (see below). If you have a lot of ppc.library programs you might prefer the BPPCFix method which installs as follows:

2. The recommended method for A1200: BPPCFix

BPPCFix removes the ppc.library completely out of the memory of your A1200, and WarpOS programs run just perfectly. Of course ppc.library programs do not work anymore then. But to fix this, you can install the ppc.library Emulation. So then you are able to run both WarpOS programs and ppc.library programs without any problems.

To install BPPCFix+ppc.library Emulation do this:

Of course you should copy the file BPPCFix out of the ppc.library Emulation archive to your c: directory. An old version of this archive is available in the WarpUP Archive. The latest version you can get at (supports more ppc.library programs): The ppc.library Emulation is not required to have your PPC working. Only if you also have ppc.library programs installed (many programs are also available as WarpOS version or - more and more - WarpOS-only).

Now you can reboot and from now-on you can run WarpUP and ppc.library programs at the same time. The Emulation is around 95% compatible, known programs which do NOT run are TurboprintPPC (you should deinstall it, else your system might run instable), VPDF (a WarpOS version is currently in works) and the Flash-Plugin of Voyager. Maybe a handful of others, but most programs should work. But most programs these days use WarpOS anyways...

I also recommend to install CGX-68k and not CGX-PPC. CGX PPC does not provide ANY Speedup, but can cause problems. If you have CGX 4 you have CGX-68k anyways, this so-called CGX-PPC existed only for Version 3. If you have CGX-PPC installed just run the CGX-installation again and this time choose the 68k version. Especially Warp3D programs were reported to run noticably faster with CGX-68k.

I want to mention again one disadvantage of BPPCFix: You will have an additional reset the first time you start your machine from nowon. This is needed for BPPCFix to remove ppc.library (which Phase 5 for the A1200 Boards sadly put in ROM, unlike for the A4000 Boards were they are only on harddrive and BPPCFix is not needed).

b) The recommended method for A4000: Termination

If you do not want an additional reset, your second option is Termination. Actually for A4000 systems you can just use this default-method as for the CyberstormPPC Boards no ppc.library is in ROM luckily.

This is the option which is installed after you had ran the WarpUP installation but did not do the other steps from above. powerpc/TERMINATOR in this case has the value 2. The advantage is you do not have an additional reset, the disadvantage:

As some people have WarpUP or ppc.library programs installed which run on bootup (like Datatypes... BTW: The WarpOS Datatypes are noticably faster than the ppc.library ones) I recommend using the BPPCFix method. When BPPCFix and the ppc.library Emulation were not yet existing you had to "eliminate" all "ppc.library programs running on bootup", this is now luckily no longer needed, except if a program does not work with the Emulation. Also you could have (even activated at bootup) programs for both Kernels installed with BPPCFix.

BTW: If you use the TERMINATOR method and are (on an A1200) annoyed by the TERMINATOR requester you can set the system to auto-terminate by:

setenv powerpc/hidewarning

Again you only need to do this once.

4. Other issues

If you have a BV/PPC or CV/PPC the variable powerpc/force should contain the value 1, and powerpc/gfxaddr should contain $e0000000. But the WarpOS installer sets these values already correctly.

You should not modify the powerpc/noppc, powerpc/debug and powerpc/memprot variables. Never...

5. Warp3D

Sadly CGX is in it's "initial version" in many cases not installed in the correct way for Warp3D. Check the following things:

If you use CGX 3:

You find the latest update of CGX 3 with the correct versions at

If you use CGX 4:

You should specify the following tooltypes for the monitor driver:


But for a new version of CGX this should normally be the default setting.

If you have a CV/3D graphics Board (the old Virge Board) you should set



If you have any problems left, send an to

BTW: You find links about some nice WarpUP Software at and

Hyperion Entertainment Software